I got home and noticed a key stuck in my mail slot, meaning I had a package. I was thinking it was likely a DVD, as I've ordered a number of them lately, but as the desk guy Roger handed me the package, I could tell it was a book of some sort, wrapped in a brown paper bag, with no return address. I remembered my mom said she bought me a signed copy of "The Kite Runner" and that she'd send it soon, but it didn't look like her handwriting.
I tore into it and discoverd a hand made journal, with a cloth bound cover of midnight blue with silver stars. Inside was a little card that said "A journal for you...", but no signature.
How cool! I have no idea who you are, but I'm assuming you read this blog, so thank you, whoever you are...
I think you do know... :)
Until the DNA taken from the postage stamps comes back from the lab, I haven't got a clue. Well, I have a few clues:
The first time you discovered me on the internet, you googled me on April 7th, searching "'Brett Wood' Minneapolis". It was 9:30 at night. You have a dial-up connection using CP Internet, and have Windows 2000. Dial-up. Hmm.
You do your grocery shopping at Lunds. You live or work in St. Louis Park, MN. You don't have a typical 9 to 5 job. Or at least you didn't for a while. Now I'm not so sure. You stay up late on weekends. In fact, you need to start getting some regular sleep.
But I can't connect the dots. It's not like I'm smart enough to guess Wayne's real age from a few hints. There we go: I need more hints.
No sloppy sloughing of DNA for me, so the lab can't help you.
So then it wasn't you who z-searched my name shortly after
posting reply to a previous comment??
As for the clues you have that are "on":
Yes - yes - yes - and there's nothing wrong with dial-up, no matter how many people tell me so.
Sometimes - Yes, one of them - not really, although sometimes it kind of is - rarely - I get plenty of sleep.
What am I thinking? Nobody has had to lick a stamp in, like, twenty years. And here I am thinking I am so techy with my high-speed internet. I think you've got the better of me; you elude me. I've searched for a lot of people on the internet (z-search? I'm feeling less and less techy by the moment) so I may have searched your name but can't narrow you down that way. I guess you get to keep your anonymous status for now. I wonder if anyone has actually named their child "Anonymous". Maybe that will be the name of Gwenyth Paltro's third child. Anonymous Bosche Paltrow...
Sometimes you have to lick stamps when the postal people are mean and don't send you the self-adhesives that you asked for. Actually I guess I like the old ones anyhow.
Ok, so I thought you had more information than you do -- my mistake - I am the non-techy one. z=zaba. i just never remember if it is one or 2 b's.
I don't know any Baby Anonymous's, but I did hear about a Baby Placenta. (named after the first thing the parents saw after the birth).
I never heard of Zabasearch before but just tried it. Pretty cool. There's even an "Anonymous Wood" out there. No "Placenta Wood" or even "Placenta Smith" though.
I tried Placenta Placencia (a last name I saw at work today), but none of those either. Just what kind of name goes with Placenta? What kind of gender goes with it?
Sounds like Tom Cruise could think of many things to go with placenta, mostly side dishes (google "cruise placenta" and you'll get it).
I see odd names of customers at work all of the time: Harold Bear (Harry), Richard Weed (Dick). Richard Head. An odd one I saw a week ago was Elle Zee. I can picture a doctor's receptionist saying, "Name Please". "Elle Zee." "I'm sorry, but I need more than your initials".
At my last job, I thought that one of the Kakach (pronounced cock-itch) girls should marry one of the Ondik boys and hyphenate her new last name...but I guess that would be kind of redundant.
That's hilarious! I laugh every time I read this.
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