Sunday, November 26, 2006

Electrical Storm

Dangerous Beauty
photo by hugsRgood.

I was thinking of Rachel the other night, and that time we lived Eau Claire, Wisconsin. We were out for a walk when a lightning storm blew into town. Lightning bolts cracked only a few blocks away from us. I wanted to turn back to the house, but she wanted to walk straight into the storm. On her face, I could see excitement and fearlessness. In an open flat field, walking towards an iron train bridge, the rational side of me told her this was nuts. She said not everything is rational. I made her come home. She hated me for it, and I think I fell in her estimation that day. I wonder now what we would have found in the storm. What was it that I was too timid to experience? Something makes me think of how women have this spiritual connection to nature, and how she knew something I did not, and it was beyond explanation. I now wish I had had the courage to follow her down into the field towards the railroad bridge, into a ring of lightning strikes, like Orpheus and Eurydice walking down into the realm of the dead. What would we have found in the middle of the storm? I probably would have just been electrocuted. Maybe that was her intention all along.

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