Saturday, January 28, 2006

Divulge, Divide, Divorce

Card House
photo by saraweag.
She got up in the morning to let the dogs out, their excited whining and wagging tails echoing in the kitchen. Their house sounded hollow all summer, furniture moved out of the rooms so they could put a fresh coat of paint on the walls before the house went up for sale. Many rooms had never had furniture; what was the sense in buying things when they both knew it would mostly likely be divided in a divorce settlement. It is a strange and senseless way to live, knowing throughout several years of marriage that their life together was most likely a temporary thing. Yet they remained together, each day slipping into the next, spent in a superficial contentedness, laughing at the same movies, playing with the dogs, going out to dinner not to be romantic but out of a lack of energy to cook for themselves. The futility of the future weighs heavily on the shoulders of a couple constantly on the brink of failure. Small battles, little grudges, petty insults gather in strength until a dramatic trespass breaks the surface, and this house of cards starts to crumble. Either she slept with a client while on a project out of town, or he was caught in dating chat rooms on the internet. The ugly confessions and accusations come out. A rotten core in the center of a person they thought they knew, they thought was good, or maybe just good enough, until they took a deep bite and recoiled at the distaste.

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