Thursday, March 23, 2006

Proclamation of Decadence

Scrape me
photo by bekon.
Submit to your addictions, your weaknesses, your every libidinous urge! Let the devil run rampant through your homes, your government offices and citadels! We have held ourselves in check long enough. It is the time to celebrate the body, the instinct, the animal pantheon spelled out in constellations across the night sky. We drag out our dictionaries of the profane and illustrations of decadence. We make new national holidays of crime and atrocity. We teach our children the balance of the blade, the angle of the wrist when snapping a whip across the buttocks of their nannies. Turn out all of the animals from our zoos, release mice into the backstage dressing rooms of the opera houses. Mayhem, licentious laughter, sinister smiles on lips beaded with blood. Rub your palms together, feel the tingling in every limb, cry out your allegiance to the celebration of the unholy.

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