Wednesday, May 31, 2006

June: A Month of Truthtelling

I'm going to change it up here for a little bit during the month of June. Up to this point I've mainly written stream-of-consciousness pieces, the first drafts of story ideas, just about all of it made up, most of it nonsensicle. Don't get me wrong, what I like best about writing is the chance to step into a world of make believe. The stories I tell usually represent something I feel but don't know how to express directly. But I keep coming across the fact that the writers I admire most write from personal experience, and yet whenever I turn the camera back on myself, I get bored.

This will be interesting, or maybe very mundane. Not that much happens in my life. But one thing I will do is try to post an entry every day. It's all about tenacity, right? I haven't decided yet how to deal with writing about people I know, especially the few that read this blog. I'm leaning towards uncensored honesty, but won't that piss some people off, or hurt feelings? Too bad. It's what you get for knowing a writer, or at least a computer geek with a blog, and you can always post a comment to get me back. I guess the least I could do is fictionalize the names. Who am I kidding, who cares? I think only four people read this thing anyway.

Why for the month of June? So that it can be easily categorized and buried away in the archives after I return to tales of insanity, murder, and upchucked diamond rings.


Anonymous said...

I read this thing.
I always read this thing.

Brettanicus said...

Holy crap! Zellar is in the building...