This blow to the head has left me dumb. I can’t think too long or two hard. I suffer from lengthening periods of blank space. I stare into the room and just “am”. Monks meditate to achieve this level of just “being” in the moment. Lowered brainwave activity. Lessened sense of self and a pure perception of the world, observing objects not as tools, but just things as they are. How can a normal person, without a brain injury, look at a sofa and see it as anything other than something to sit on? How can you look at a pillow and not know that it is soft?
I don’t remember the accident. They tell me I was in a jeep that rolled, and it landed on my head. They say I was in a coma for two months, and on the third I came out f it speaking in French. I had three years of it in high school but I got D’s in it every term. Guess the brain soaks it all up like a sponge, and sometimes it takes a hard squeeze to ring it out.
I've had a number of friends call me in a panic over this entry. Don't you guys remember most of what I write here is made up? That that's the point? It's called fiction. Anyway, I know a head injury might explain a lot, but I really haven't had one.
A pillow is soft, when you place your head on it. Not when you look at it. Sorry to disagree *g*
(Oh and it is softest, right before your head comes to rest on it and stays still (put?). *sigh* I DO enjoy soft pillows!)
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