Tuesday, June 13, 2006

10 Minutes Over Tea

I have ten minutes in which to write. I'm obviously not doing so well with my daily truth telling in the month of June. This is evidence of my aversion and disregard of the truth and its million little irrelevancies throughout the day. So what the hell am I doing right now? Saw the Pharmacist last weekend and got to see her eclectic apartment, complete with opium den-bathroom, mannequins, poker chip collection, and balcony garden. My mom is visiting from Florida, so we babysat my brother's kids, Taylor aged 8 (and a half!) and Shea aged 10 (and a half!) on Saturday night. I love taking a day and being both a kid again and a surrogate dad. We played Connect Four, played a memory card game which Taylor was freakishly good at, billiards, tickle monster, bounced on the trampoline, and at out at Subway. By 10:30 I was exhausted. Last night I watched the hockey game. I'm halfway through watching "Night of the Iguana" and love Richard Burton's character, or is it that I love Tennessee Williams writing? Saturday mornings are Tennis lessons, so I can get a rating and then play in a fall league. Sunday mornings I play against the 6'5" Czech coworker. Work, which I need to leave for now, is all-consuming as usual, a deposits campaign going on where I need to pull data for qualifying customers, who they need to call each day, how many deposits they had assessed the previous day, and which customers were billed five days ago so they can call them up and bully them. Really, I'm ashamed at how much I enjoy figuring out the puzzles of how to write code to get the data they want.

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