Monday, June 05, 2006

Lazy Days of Summer?

I’m not sure a reclusive guy like myself can adjust to these full summer weekends. I’m more accustomed to a weekend of reading, hanging out at my favorite coffe/tea shops, or writing in my journals. This weekend I went out to eat with the Pharmacist at a noisy sidewalk restaurant, had a doctor’s appointment, shopped for a new bike to replace the one that was stolen, went to Sportmart to shop for roller blades, walked around the Lake Harriett rose gardens, met up with the Pharmacist again to watch a half dozen rabbits hopping around the lawns of the convention center after sunset, played tennis with the Czech from work, visited my Mom at the Hyland Park Reserve, and watched the Woody Allen movie Match Point. Are you exhausted yet? So am I.

It’s what we do in Minnesota. The ice receeds and we stumble out of our homes and blink at the sun, then start rushing around to get in as much living as possible in this momentary garden that has sprung up around us.

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